This is my first time reading a book that the author does
not sell at all. It was written and given away freely. The book is “licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License”
( The author says “this means you’re free to make copies
of this book and give them away. Hey, why don’t you give away a copy right now?
Thanks!” I have never heard of this before. Get the book for free in .pdf format HERE.
I think musicians should do this online. Give away the music
content and earn money on merchandise, concerts, etc. Adapt to the 21st
century and stop worrying about anti-piracy. The more people hear, the more
junk they will buy.
Anyway, this book is about America
in the future. Terrorists have detonated a nuclear weapon in Columbus ,
Ohio and killed millions. The government
has drastically changed to protect the citizens. They now have a Dept. of
Terror and have a state sponsored and run Dominionist
Church . Child and Family Services
mean something entirely different. The state run news agencies manufacture news
to form opinions in the population that they wish to see. Non-conformists are
eliminated through mass hangings at sporting events. Lots of stuff like that.
It is a very interesting and unfriendly world.
The story is full of adventure and discovery as a man’s eyes
are opened further as events unfold. The ending is pretty decent too. It was a
fun read and has some pretty good potential to be a great action adventure
movie. I am thinking along the lines of Mad Max meets Diehard.